Blog from June 2011

There are 2 blog entries from June 2011

Civil Engineering Plans Submitted
June 15th, 2011 | View Post
The project is finally moving along to the City of Austin. Our civil engineering firm, Nobel Surveying and Engineering Works, LLC, has submitted the first of several plans off to the City of Austin. The plans submitted include the current site-plan layout as seen to the right.

To those not familiar with this level of development planning, a site-plan is essentially an architectural view of the entire property layout from a birds-eye point of view. It includes the footprint of the building, driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, topographical information, ingress and egress, electrical hookups, and etc. It does not detail what the building or surroundings will look like in any way, but rather details how things will function on the property.

It is also, incidentally, a very expensive undertaking. Although there is SOME good in the process, I find the majority of it to be time-consuming bureaucracy-gone-wild. Just to give an idea, not a few thousand dollars, many tens of thousands of dollars are required to fulfill all of the city’s requirements. Since you know, most small businesses have that kind of cash on the side.

The official site plan submitted to the City of Austin

Water and Wastewater Service Extension Approval
June 8th, 2011 | View Post
This probably doesn't sound that exciting to most people, but I'm happy to announce that we were approved for our water / wastewater extension today from the City of Austin. Basically this means that we'll be permitted to tap into the city's water and wastewater pipes for the property.

There is actually an 8" water main right in front of the property, so that was never really a concern. However, we have needed a sewer hookup. Of course, what's missing from these forms are the fact that we'll have to pay for most, if not all of this. It might sound simple, but that entails hiring a crew to dig up a city street, lay the pipes, tap into the existing city lines, put the street back together, pave the street, and make sure that everything is back how it should be.

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