There are 31 blog entries within the category of School Work
أنا أميركي وَ لكن مِن أَصل الأيرلندية.
I am American, but of Irish descent.
أحب كَنَدا بِسَبَب الطَّقس بارِد. I love canada because the weather is cold.
في الطُّولتي كُنتُ أُشاهِد شَلج في نو يورك. In my childhood, I saw (I was watching) snow.
ولاية تكساس جِدّاً حارّ. The state of Texas is very hot.
الجَوّ في مَدينة أصنِن جِدّاً حارّ. The weather in Austin is very hot.
الجَوّ في مَدينة أصنِن جِدّاً حارّ. The weather in Austin is very hot.
أُشاهِد فيلم في السِّينَما أَحْياناً. I watch movies in the theater sometimes.
ليس عندنا الخَريف في مَدينة أصنِن. We do not have Autumn in the city of Austin.
الدَرَجة الحَرارة في أصتِن في الصَّيف حارّ. The temperature in Austin in the summer is over 100.
الرَّبيع في نو زيلاندا في شهر أُكتوبر. The spring in New Zealand is in October.
أُحب الصَّيف وَ لكن لا أُحب الرُّطوبة. I like the summer, but I do not like the humidity.
لا أُحب نو يورك بِسَبَب الاِزدِحام. I do not like New York because of the crowdedness.
أَدرُس العربى بِسَبَب أحب السَّفَرأِلي الشَّرق الأَوْسَط. I study Arabic because I like to travel the Middle East.
هُناك شَلج في الشَّتاء في كَنَدا. There is snow in the winter in Canada.
لدينا كَشيراً الجَوّ مُشمِس في مَدينة أصنِن.
We have a lot of sunny weather in Austin.
الصَّيف في أمريكا في يوليو وَ لكن في أمريكا الجنوبية الصَّيف في ديسمبر
Summer in the America is in July, but in South America the summer is in December.
There is sometimes rain when it is cloudy.
أحب التزلج في الشَّتاء فَصل. ّI like to ski in the winter season.
هذه فَصل دِراسيّ عربى جِدّاً صَعْب.
This semester of Arabic class is very hard.
andi faqat ithanyn fasl fasool arabia. Only: أحب أُشاهِد فيلم كَشيراً. I like watching movies a lot!
أحب أُشاهِد فيلم قَليلاً. I like watching movies a little bit!
أحب مَطَر في الرَّبيع. I love the rain in the spring.
بالنَّسبة لِالوِحدة، مها ليس لديها أصدقاء As far as loneliness is concerned, Maha does not have friends.
بالنَّسبة لِالوِحدة، مها ليس لديها أصدقاء As far as loneliness is concerned, Maha does not have friends.
كَفِن لُدلو امتحان ٢
١. هل عائلتك صغيرة أو كبيرة؟ كم فردا في عائلتك؟ أُسْرتي صغير.هُناك خَمْسة أفراد فب أُسْرتي.
٢. ها اسم والدك؟ ماذا يعمل؟ اسم والدي هو هُوارد. هو أُسْتاذ.
٣. من أي ولاية والدتك؟ ما جنسيتها؟ والِدتي من نويورك. هي امريكية.
٤. هل تحب السفر الى الشرق الأوسط؟ الى أي بلد؟ احب السَّفَرأِلي الشَّرق الأَوْسَط. احب الأُردُن.
٥. كيف تحب السفر؟ بالطائرة أو بالسيارة؟ احب السفر بالطائرة و بالسيارة.
٦. ماذا كنت تعمل قبل الصف؟ كنت ادرس قَبلَ الصف.
٧. أين كانت مدرستك الابتدائية؟ هل كانت بعيدة عن بيتك؟ مدرستي كان في كاتي تِكسَس. مدرستي كان قَريب مِن بَيتي.
٨. أي أكل عربي تحب؟ احب آكُل حُمُّص، تبّولة، و خُبز.
٩. من يدرّسك اللغة العربية؟ أُسْتاذي، فهيم يُدَرَّسي اللغة العربية.
١٠. هل هذا الامتحان صعب؟ نَعَم، هَذا أِمتِحان صعب. اللغة العربية صَعْبة.
١. هل عائلتك صغيرة أو كبيرة؟ كم فردا في عائلتك؟ Is your family small or large? How many members of your family? My family is small. There are 5 members in my family. أُسْرتي صغير.هُناك خَمْسة أفراد فب أُسْرتي.
٢. ها اسم والدك؟ ماذا يعمل؟ What is your father’s name? What does he do? My father’s name is Howard. He is a teacher. اسم والدي هو هُوارد. هو أُسْتاذ.
٣. من أي ولاية والدتك؟ ما جنسيتها؟ From which state is your mother? What is her nationality? My mother is from New York. She is an American. والِدتي من نويورك. هي امريكية.
٤. هل تحب السفر الى الشرق الأوسط؟ الى أي بلد؟ Do you like to travel to the Middle East? To which country? I love traveling to the Middle East. I love the country of Jordan. احب السَّفَرأِلي الشَّرق الأَوْسَط. احب الأُردُن.
٥. كيف تحب السفر؟ بالطائرة أو بالسيارة؟ How do you like to travel? By plane or by car? I like to travel by plane and by car. احب السفر بالطائرة و بالسيارة.
٦. ماذا كنت تعمل قبل الصف؟ What were you doing before class? I was studying before class. كنت ادرس قَبلَ الصف.
٧. أين كانت مدرستك الابتدائية؟ هل كانت بعيدة عن بيتك؟ Where was your primary school? Was it far from your home? My primary school was in Katy, Texas. It was close to my house. مدرستي كان في كاتي تِكسَس. مدرستي كان قَريب مِن بَيتي.
٨. أي أكل عربي تحب؟ What kind of Arabic food do you like to eat? I love to eat hummus and bread. احب آكُل حُمُّص، تبّولة، و خُبز.
٩. من يدرّسك اللغة العربية؟ Who teaches you the Arabic language? My professor Fahim teaches me Arabic. أُسْتاذي، فهيم يُدَرَّسي اللغة العربية.
١٠. هل هذا الامتحان صعب؟ Is this exam difficult? Yes, this was difficult. Arabic is difficult. نَعَم، هَذا أِمتِحان صعب. اللغة العربية صَعْبة.
كَفِن لُدلو
١. والِدي يَأكُل سَمَك في بَيْتي. (My dad eats fish at my house)
٢. كُنتُ في مَكتَبة أَمْس. (I was at the library yesterday)
٣. أنا الأَوَّل أَبنء والِدي وَ والِدتي. (I am the first son of my mom and my dad)
٤. أَختي يُدَرَّس في مَدرَسة أِبتِدافئّة مَيْبِلوُد. (My brother teaches at Maplewood Elementary School)
٥. أَحفَظ العربية في فَصلي. (I memorize Arabic in my class)
٦. أُحِبّ أَكُل حَلَوِيّات في الشَّرق الأَوْسَط. (I love eating sweets in the Middle East)
٨. هده الخُضار سَلَطة. (Here are the vegetables for the salad)
٩. أَدرُس العربية في مَدرَسة. (I study Arabic in school)
١٠. أَتَذَكَّر جَدي في صُوَر. (I remember my grandfather in pictures)
١١. أُحِبّ أَدرُس مع زُملاتي. (I like to study with my classmates)
١٢. أُحِبّ السفِر أِلى البَلَد الأردن. (I love traveling to the country of Jordan)
١٣. أُسافِر أِلى الشَّرق الأَوْسَط في شهر اكتوبر. (I travel to the Middle East in October)
١٤. أُحِبّ أَأكُل سَلَطة. (I like to eat salads)
١٥. يَستَمِع أِلى البيتليس في سَيّارة. (He listens to the Beatles in his car)
١٦. المَطعَم أِندهودَجَج وَ سَمَك. (The restaurant has chicken and fish)
١٧. الشوربة كَبيرة وَ حَرّانة. (The soup is large and hot)
١٨. صَديقي يَسكُن في بَيْت قَريب مِن بَيْتي. (My friend lives in a house near my house)
١٩. أِندي صُوَر وَ أَتذَكَّر الطُّفولَتي. (I have pictures and I remember my childhood)
٢٠. الدَجَج المَطعَم جَيَّد. (The chicken at the restaurant is great)
٢١. البنت فَرد. (The girl is an individual)
٢٢. هناك فَواكِه غريب في الشَّرق الأَوْسَط. (There are strange fruits in the Middle East)
٢٣. كانَ في بَيْتي قَبلَي. (He was at my house before me)
٢٣. يَقرَأ كِتاب كَبير. (He reads a big book)
٢٣. أُحِبّ كُل أُسْرتي. (I love all of my family)
٢٤. كانَ في الأُمَم المُتَّحِدة في نو يُرك. (He was at the United Nations in New York)
٢٥. كُنتُ في الأردن في مارس. (I was in Jordan in March)
٢٦. المَطعَم أِندهو لَحم جَيِّد. (The restaurant has good meat)
كَفِن لُدلو (Kevin Ludlow) أِمتِحان ١ - تَمرين ٤. (Test 1 - Exercise 4)
١. من سامية؟ سامية طالبة.
٢. ماذا تدرس سامية؟ سامية تدرس الأدب الأنجليزي.
٣. في أي جامعة تدرس سامية؟ سامية تدرس في جامعة تكساس.
٤. أين تسكن صاحبة سامية؟ صاحبة سامية تسكن في مدينة شيكاغو.
٥. من البنت الوحيدة في الأسرة؟ صاحبة سامية البنت الوحيدة في الأسرة.
٦. بماذا متخصص والد سامية؟ والد سامية متخصص في الكمبيوتر.
٧. أين تعمل والدة سامية؟ والدة سامية تعمل في مكتب صغير قريب من الجامعة.
٨. هل البنك قريب من الجامعة؟ لا، لكن المكتبة الوالدة سامية قريب من الجامعة.
٩. أين تدرس صاحبة سامية؟ صاحبة سامية تدرس في جامعة لويولا.
١٠. هل والدة سامية مصرية؟ لا، والدة سامية أردنية.
Government 2306 Critical Paper #2 Committee Hearing in the House
Committee Hearing in the House Energy Resources
As I began listening to the discussions that were taking place in the Committee Hearing, it occurred to me that these people are just that, people. They do not speak as poets or even articulate writers. If we could call these men and women anything at all (besides what they are), it seems that we could call them non-threatening lawyers. These people are simply sitting around discussing current issues that are problems or at least potential problems in regards to Texas as a whole. In this particular case, the topic of interest is energy resources, as that is the committee that I chose to listen to.
What I find so interesting about this committee meeting, or I would assume any of them is the simple fact that these men and women are simply civilly discussing issues that affect my life in one way or another. Perhaps not right now, but at some point in the future, any one of these issues could come into play for me.
The majority of this segment that I found most interesting was on the taxation or lack thereof of the dried up or forgotten oil wells in Texas. I found this topic to be interesting in the meeting because I feel that its points were argued relatively well, and my father is an oil broker, thus giving me an interest in the taxable steps involved in his business. It certainly would have helped to have known more about the bills that these men and women were discussing, but on the flipside, they argued their points well enough that the bills they spoke of were fairly simple to interpret. One of the many topics discussed on the taxation of oil wells is due to oil entrepreneurs that create an oil well, milk it until it is dry or until the oil is unobtainable (if in fact there ever was oil to take from it), and then move on.
If we look at this concept for what it is we must first look at what drilling for oil actually creates. After speaking with Howard Ludlow, my father, on the matter, I was able to get a layman version of what goes on. The actual space that is necessary for drilling these days is no larger then a one hundred foot squared area. An apparatus is setup to drill, which nowadays can be nothing more then a mobile rig on a truck. In older times humans would have to drill within 5,000 ft to obtain oil but as times have changed and we have taken more and more of our precious resource, it has become necessary to drill deeper and deeper. These days a hole of 10,000 ft or deeper is common. As the hole is drilled (about 4-6" in diameter, the drill is threaded in such a way so that the ground waste that it extracts, called the tailings, are removed at the top of the well. They are usually left in a pile nearby the drilling well. Using a little math, a 6" hole at 10,000 ft would create about 2000 cubic foot of waste that is simply thrown to the side.
Now back to the argument at hand. Most all of the large drilling manufacturers at this point will drill until they can drill no longer. Oil or not, we will assume that the drilling process is over. After they have completed their drilling, they will fill in the hole with a special mixture and then cap it off. The excess waste is plowed over and a small hill is all that is left in this area. The problem is that smaller businesses will not always do this and the House has a large problem with this, I suspect mainly for environmental reasons. Once the well is no longer commercially viable to them, they simply move on to another "hole".
The House wants to create a tax that would be imposed on all oil companies which would then set aside a fund for plugging the dry oil wells up so that they do not pose a threat to the environment or to society for that matter. This would not only impose a tax on the general public, this would also impose a somewhat unnecessary tax to the oil companies that are already doing this, Exxon for example. As we hear from Ben Siebry, a representative from the big oil businesses in Texas, we are informed of this liability that these irresponsible oil drillers create. The larger drilling companies have recently come together (as of last summer) to discuss the issue of dry wells being left as they were when the drilling was finished. They have estimated that the amount of money that is necessary for this yearly operation is about $20 million. In turn, they have taken it upon themselves to raise the capital that is necessary but are fairly only able to allocate $12 million. What they are now asking for is to be taxed the remaining $8 million that it will take to adequately clean and plug these drill holes for every drilling business in Texas. I feel that this is the right thing to do and asking to be taxed to fix an environmental problem is a huge step for any big business to take. The problem that they now face is that there has been another proposal for taxation which would allocate some $48 million towards this project. They feel that this is completely unnecessary and that the extra $28 million will simply be wasted tax dollars that they as businesses will have to spend. I fully agree with them being against this tax as they have taken it upon themselves to remedy the problem. Obviously there are always hidden costs and such involved in the processes and it would be easy for them to simply argue that they have solved their own mess and have now created a solution because if it doesn't work as they planned, they will still benefit and save over $40 million in tax dollars. I also however feel that their tax proposal for $8 million should be taken seriously and that the ins and outs of it should be examined very closely by the House. Perhaps in doing so a compromise can be made or their tax proposal could in fact be very sound in such a case it should be put into action.